Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Getting into any kind of creative venture, one must expect rejection. I know this, but it is still a tough lesson to accept. When you create something, and put a lot of time and care into it, it is a part of you. Then to put it out for people to see and evaluate is very tough and scary. I built up a fairly tough skin during my years at art school, having to out up your work in front of twenty or more people and listen to them critique it. Those were trying times and I still have the battle scars for proof.

Now I have made a change from making paintings to writing. I have had an extensive amount of art training, but very little with creative writing. Reading and writing are things I have had a passion in for years, but I never thought of doing it regularly. I have always had ideas for writing projects, but never had the follow through. I decided to take this venture very seriously and put myself to task for daily goals and accomplishing what I start. In the year and half to two years that I have been writing regularly I have written a number of short stories, completed a manuscript for a novel, and am working on a second. Since losing my job, I felt a pressure, but also an opportunity to focus more on my writing, and to get some of my work published. So, with that said not too long ago I sent one of my short stories out to a magazine.

When I started writing I did a lot of reading on the experience of other writers starting out. The majority of the experiences are very similar in the way that most have gone through quite a bit of rejection before getting published. I expected this when I sent out my work. Still, when I sent it out, I hoped for the best. I felt it was one of the best pieces that I had written, and maybe had a good chance of getting accepted. When I got the reply envelope back a few weeks later, I was nervous opening it up. When I did, I saw the rejection letter. I was half expecting it, but still I was disappointed. I badly wanted some of my writing to be in print, and it wasn’t going to happen this time. I’m including the note that was sent back so people can check out what my rejection looked like.

Even though I was rejected and felt the sting of disappointment, I am more determined than ever to keep on writing, and to keep trying to break into the printed world. I will continue to devote myself to constant writing and reading to improve my abilities, and I will continue to share my experience here.

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