Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Journey Begins

I have been laid-off for just over two months now. While I am waiting to either get called back, or to have to find another job I am dedicating my time to starting a writing career. I don't have much writing experience, my BFA degree is in painting, but I love to read and have a penchant for telling stories. I decided to chronicle my journey of either success or failure, (but most likely success), in this blog. I will attempt to give the reader a view of my progress in writing, I will keep people updated on where I submit my stories to, and whether or not they are accepted. I am looking to make my dream come true. Since the creation of a writer is not just their work, but also their influences, I will pepper the blogs by writing about the books I am reading, and movies that I am seeing, or just whatever the hell it is a person does who is laid-off from his job. Check back regularly, and help support a struggling writer on his road to publication. Please feel free to comment on any blogs, send advice, or share your own thoughts and experiences. Thanks for reading.

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