Sunday, April 26, 2009

an intro to my current work

In my previous entry I wrote that since I was laid-off, I was working on my writing. I am writing this, to introduce people to my work, and my current project.

For just over two months now I have been working on a manuscript for a novel. This is my second attempt at such an endeavor. My first one I completed almost a year ago, and can be read at I have to include a disclaimer here; this is my first attempt at such a project so read at your own risk. I thought it was okay, but the writing was rather rough and the inexperience seemed to shine through, things could have been handled better. I believe that the story was strong, but I just needed a bit more writing experience to do it justice.

In between the novel manuscripts I have been working on numerous short stories to hone my craft and to keep writing. Writing them has been a great experience for me. They are quick glimpses of another world and don’t demand too much of my time.

The novel manuscript is a different beast. There is just so much more to keep in mind and try to sustain for the life of the writing. The tentative title for my latest project is “The Sigil”. I estimate that I have about 30,000 words written so far, give or take a few thousand. I am almost finished with the seventh chapter, so I am well on my way. It’s been a challenge keeping on task all the time. I do enjoy the writing, but like most people I’m easily distracted. I just try to keep the focus as best as I can, and just keep hammering out some writing.

While I am trying to get this manuscript off the ground, I am also trying to get some of my short stories published. I figure I might get taken a little more seriously if I can get something into print. I’ll keep updating on my progress with both the manuscript and the short stories. Hopefully soon, maybe I can earn a little extra income for my efforts. Wish me luck and keep checking for more updates.

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