Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chapter Seven

Finally, I am done with chapter seven of my new manuscript. This one was a challenge. It dealt with a number of different scenes and characters. I’m not sure if I’m completely satisfied with what I have written but I know that it would be a mistake to go back at this point. I just have to keep forging ahead and see what comes next. I have already started the next chapter and am looking forward to getting in deep with this one. It is a flash back to earlier times in the main characters life. It will provide more back story while fleshing out current characters and introducing a couple more.

The writing is coming along a little more slowly than I’d like. I’m dealing with a number of different distractions at the moment. My wife and are in the process of moving to Arizona. Since I am not currently working we thought it would be a good chance to take advantage of the great housing opportunities that are down there. So over the next few weekends I will be selling a lot of excess things that we have accumulated over the years and need to get rid of. The goal is to lighten the load as much as possible before the big move, get as light as possible.

Despite the distractions I have set my mind to redoubling my writing efforts. Once we get down to Arizona I will have to find work immediately and will drastically cut down on free writing time. I have to try and get as much done as possible before the move, hopefully to the point of being done, or almost done. There is no delusion, there is going to be much work ahead of me before and after the move. I am as determined as ever to meet those goals and to finish my work.

Wish me luck, and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, You are a good writer,as you know just keep writing
